Please also note that just because an operator is on this list, it should not be taken as evidence that its application is likely to succeed.
Any EEA market operator which has not yet applied but which believes it may require ROIE status should contact [email protected] immediately.
List of current ROIE applicants and intended applicants
The following EEA market operators have applied or given us a formal intention to apply for ROIE status in the UK:
- Boerse Frankfurt Zertifikate AG
- Deutsche Boerse AG
- Eurex Frankfurt AG
- European Energy Exchange AG
- Powernext SAS
- ICE Endex Market B.V.
- Euronext Amsterdam NV (intended)
- Euronext Paris SA (intended)
- The Irish Stock Exchange plc, trading as Euronext Dublin (intended)
- Nasdaq Oslo ASA (intended)
We will update this list from time to time.
The Bank of England has published a list of central counterparties (CCPs) that will enter the Temporary Recognition Regime if the UK leaves the EU with no implementation period.
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