You may have always wished you could learn how to be more confident, but you did not know how to, and you never found the time to learn? Maybe you thought there was plenty of time to deal with this 'later'?
As the years roll by, it's easy for you to lose focus on your dreams and goals. Quite often, it takes a dramatic event to remind you just how short life is, and makes you question what you really want from your life. Learning how to be more confident will give you the courage to make changes, improve your life, and to realize fulfillment and success.
It's time to take control of your life now – this is your wake up call.
One step in learning how to be more confident, is to stop going along with what everyone else wants, and start making your own decisions. This may take a while to get used to, both for you and everyone else around you. After all, everyone is probably used to hear you say things like, "whatever you choose", or "I do not mind". It can be quite liberating to finally realize you are in the driving seat, and that you can take your life in whatever direction you choose.
If you do not like your job, try to find something that you think you'd enjoy doing, and see if it's a realistic option. Look into further education, etc., as a 'stepping stone' to changing your occupation.
You may love your job, but you may hate where you live, your car, or simply your appearance. No matter what your problem is, simply by taking positive steps to change the things you do not like about your life, you'll be discovering how to be more confident about yourself and your future. This is the pathway to fulfillment and success.
A quite pertinent quote that springs to mind is:
"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Quite simply, there will be things in life you have no control over, accept these things and move on. On the other hand, there are many things in life that you can change, and by learning how to be more confident you will gain the courage to take action.
Source by George Mcnaney