[ad_1] Do you find it hard to pay off your credit card debt? You have been making monthly payments on your these cards, but the balances seem to remain high. These carry-over balances incur interest from month to month, adding to the existing total balance. The monthly payments you make to your credit cards do […]
Do not Get Ripped Off By Debt Management Companies
[ad_1] Let's be clear about this. Not all debt management companies are in the business of ripping their customers off but a vast amount of them are. Surely the point of a debt management company is to do exactly that – manage your debt situation. This should mean that they charge minimum fees or no […]
How to Be More Confident – It's Time to Take Control of Your Life
[ad_1] You may have always wished you could learn how to be more confident, but you did not know how to, and you never found the time to learn? Maybe you thought there was plenty of time to deal with this 'later'? As the years roll by, it's easy for you to lose focus on […]
Bad Credit Debt Consolidation – Solve Your Financial Adversity
[ad_1] Bad credit results due to credit like CCJs, IVA, late payments, arrears and defaults. When you falter your loan payments and do not pay them regularly then they later create a pile that that becomes very difficult to handle. The solution in several debt problems seems to be impossible. But bad credit debt consolidation […]
Bad Credit Debt Consolidation – Solve Your Financial Adversity
[ad_1] Bad credit results due to credit like CCJs, IVA, late payments, arrears and defaults. When you falter your loan payments and do not pay them regularly then they later create a pile that that becomes very difficult to handle. The solution in several debt problems seems to be impossible. But bad credit debt consolidation […]
Startling News on Interest-only Mortgages and end of term! — GDP Equity Experts
[ad_1] By January 2024, approximately 250,000 borrowers will have reached the repayment date for their interest-only mortgage. Most have no plans in place to deal with this problem and will struggle to find a new deal elsewhere, according to research by Kensington Mortgages. That number equates to about 15% of the 1.7 million British borrowers […]
Qualified Student Loan Debt Could Become Dischargeable
[ad_1] A proposed amendment to the current laws concerning student loan debt could have allowed for more student loan debt to be dischargeable in Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This amendment would keep certain types of debt secure from discharge, while allowing others to be cleared in bankruptcy. The setup may help to ease […]
Life After Bankruptcy: Money Management
[ad_1] After your debts have been discharged in bankruptcy, whether it is through Chapter 7 liquidation or Chapter 13 restructuring, you are probably wondering what your next financial move bought to be. After bankruptcy, most of your debts will have been wiped away, giving you an unpresented opportunity to make a fresh start and make […]
Credit Repair Secrets – 5 Little Known Secrets to Improve Your Credit Now!
[ad_1] With the constant flow of bad credit (foreclosures) news from the drive by media, most Americans realize that bad credit is a major problem today. A tarnished credit report is both stressful and expensive, but if you are serious about it, one can recover over a period of time into a credit worthy individual […]
Is Getting A Personal Loan With Bad Credit Impossible? Think Again
[ad_1] A bad credit history is like having contracted an infectious disease. At least this is what most lenders perceive. Any requests for personal loans by people with a bad credit history are generally declined. They are charged an extravagantly high rate of interest, if advanced personal loans. What these lenders fail to recognize is […]